

Desperado's into a seventies thang. She's listening to music from the seventies, reading books set in the seventies, wearing ruffled bellbottoms from the seventies, using fake-fur bedspreads from the seventies, and she's just lit up an artificial Christmas tree in the block-long loft in Newark that's straight out of the seventies. Not to mention living more like she did during that decade than she did in, say, the ninties.
We're talking the kitchen sink in the two-holer bathroom. There's no heat other than that thrown by a (literally) electric fire and the sun coming in through the windows. And with the exception of some high-tech equipment (computers! wireless! cellphones! digital cameras!) and a few lines on the face it's the hippie-boho life all over again.


Anonymous said...

I like, really never liked the seventies. But I love those pants.

Now, maybe if I wore those to the dinner party I'm having tommorrow night, the Superintendent of Weir Farm would decide to attend, rather than cancell, as she just did.

I know, I know. One can't mix business and pleasure. It's a bad policy, especially if the pleasure dept. is on a short lease.

Ah, well. We are down to only twelve at table. But then there's the luncheon, the same day. Party of six.

When the man behind the sliced-meat counter at Balducci's asked me " if there was anything else he could help me with." I said " Yes. Perhaps you can get me into the Witness Protection Program. I have 18 people coming to dine tommorrow."

Claudia said...

It was your idea. I'll make the second sitting!

Wolfen said...

I welcome you back to the decade with open arms. you be glad to be back. I am sure you have forgotten what your were missing

Anonymous said...

pray tell how you live without heat no matter how cool you are?

Anonymous said...

oh yeah excellent photo is that the tree in the loft or are we in a mall somewhere?

Claudia said...

That's the tree in the loft, which is now heated, sort of, with a zillion small electric units. Fortunately, electricity is included.