
police blotter

A jealous spat marred an otherwise pleasant holiday season as Dolores and Angelina came to blows in a New York City apartment.
The cause of the argument appeared to be the guest list for a seasonal party. According to eyewitnesses, Angelina, founder of Jeal-Anon, maintained that Dolores had not invited her to the festive do because of jealousy. Dolores then cited another party that Angelina had failed to invite her to. The two former friends then attempted to choke the life out of one another, as the hostess despaired of intervening.
A neighbor's call to the police resulted in a warning but no arrests.


Anonymous said...

It looks like a kitty fight to me.Was blood shed? And will they be invited back again if they promise to keep their claws sheathed?
I think the real reason the hostess was so upset is that in this brawl beer was knocked over and it was the last bottle.

Anonymous said...

Let me remind you of two of the Jeal-Anon Promises:

1} If we are painstaking about who we throw out the window, we will be amazed at the improvement in our A-lists.

2} No matter how far down the building they have to fall, it's better than allowing them to spoil the party.

Anonymous said...

Li is remind of song "Wild Women Do".

Song goes "Wild women do, and they have not regret this thing. Wild women show window going through."

Li is glad Bride is safely on chaise-long, praying to Buddha.

Anonymous said...

Courtny Li makes again corrections for honorable Uncle. This song is say
" Wild women do, and they don't regret it. Wild women show what are going through."

Courtny is beginning to despair. Is wish uncle find nice white rice girl, rather than White Goddess of myth.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of this idea, I like to inquire please: Who are ladies on left and on right in "Who Taking This Picture" picture?
Both very pretty, perhaps available for dating uncle?

Please tell ladies Uncle Li pretend be modest merchant, but has major shares of Costco.

Please to let Courtny Li know.

Claudia said...

Dear Courtny,
Both the ladies you mention are single and looking to be in relationships. They both would like to live in leisure and not have to work.
Please encourage your uncle to meet them and LEAVE ME ALONE! I will be happy to supply the introduction.

Claudia said...

PS They are also ten years younger and much sexier!

Anonymous said...

And obviously, if this is the lady on the left, who is the lady on the right in "Who Took", one of them has attended Irma Brown's Ass Whoppin' Academy.

Anonymous said...

Dear Miss Claudia Goddess: To tell Courtny names of two pretty ladies.

Is one owner of Moxie, or this yet one more prospect for single Chinaman?

Claudia said...

Tell your uncle to call 212-660-2245