
round 'em up

My inbox is getting full, so that means it's time for another roundup!
Investment opportunity awaits for Calm-A-Mama (above, spokesgirl not included). Hannah wants to go wide and is looking for investors.
"Duang," a word Jackie Chan invented some time ago has apparently gone viral. In China, anyway. Here is the shampoo commercial where he first used the word, which appears to mean something like voila or ta-da.!
If you haven't heard enough about the weather, you can read about gardening in the Ozarks in a blog by an acquaintance of mine who appeared as herself, a musician, in the film Winter's Bone.
Enjoyed this story about NYC buildings that become dormlike since I've been living in one since 1977. Now, if everyone didn't want to be my roommate. . .
A podcast from horror screenwriter Wesley Strick.
A nice bunch of portraits for International Women's Day from some National Geographic friends.
Word on the work of Molly Price, actress and Block Island resident, with storytelling by foster children and the elderly.
A link to Chien-Chi Chang's moving picture oeuvre on Magnum in Motion.
OK there's more, but that's enough from Claudia's Clip Service for the moment.

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