
tech talk

I am very excited about this picture of the purple flag flying to signify that the boat is not running (the waves are unbelievable). It was taken with the Hipstamatic app on my phone, which simulates a blurry Polaroid. I made it even blurrier by photographing through the rainy truck window, a low tech app I often use. (I also use just plain not knowing how to use my camera.)
   All in all, it's been a good week in the tech world.  There was the charge on my bill for a new modem from Verizon. "I was told it was free," I said. "We will credit your account," the guy said. "Hang on while I do it right now." Then I called Waterpik to complain that my traveling "water flosser" (!!!) wasn't charging, and they said, not, "Send us your receipt" or, "Send us the old one," but, "What mailing address would you like us to ship to?" (How about that punctuation, huh? Do we think it's correct?) It came the next day. Fortunately that was Saturday, the morning the boats were still running. Won't be any mail or milk or water flossers or other physical goods shipping out here for a while. That's the weak link in this great wide web world.
   But wait! Just as I published that, I heard the horn blow signifying that the 8:15 boat was leaving. We're back in business on the material plane.


JF Jude said...


it's only a web
with verity on it
this I have read
woven by Charlotte

e e cummings said...

I love this fuzzy image
Its story there to tell
It's just like looking up
From the bottom of a well.

JF Jude said...

Complete Poems 1904-1962
Revised, Corrected, and Expanded Edition Containing All the Published Poetry

I do admire e.e.
'read him late at night
for webs I go to E.B.
author credit: White

CatieScarlett said...

Wish I could-ah been there! Nothing like waiting out a storm on Block Island...if the heat and coffee maker are working, of course.