
coolness grants

There are people in the world who deserve to be given a stipend just for being alive. Here are a few that I know:
There's the hotelier who has a genius for creating outrageous environments that bring disparate people together (and we're talking really disparate).
There's the writer who's always in debt because he gave his time away to the old lady next door and his money away to the loser he met on the street.
There's the musician who will serenade you and fix your computers for free.
There's the photographer who wants to end violence against women and sexually liberate everyone in the world.
There's the humorist who spends her days devising elaborate and hilarious stunts to amuse her friends.
Most of them are bad with money.
Some kazillionaire needs to set up a coolness grant for people who live lives that are works of art. I'm sure you know people like this, people who have the gift of being happy and who make others happy.
We need them. Why can't we help them out?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, my dear. You made my day. Love, Jennifer