

The New York Times's readers seem to be into instruction these days, whether in philosophy, drawing, or, now, writing.
I am not equipped to advise in any but the last category. However, I just read the first few blog posts in the NYT wherein commenters were instructed to send in a description of the sky.
Check it out: 279 or something comments.
I almost barfed, to paraphrase Santorum. (He wasn't talking about descriptions of the sky, but about JFK's separation of church and state speech.)
Can you do better? I mean, about descriptions of the sky. The What's in the Truck contest seems to have waned like a fingernail moon.

Hint: Adjectives and adverbs should be used really, really sparingly! Or I will make Big Fun of you!


Note from the West Tower (el. 447) said...

...something I've always looked up to.

[And if a preposition must be hung (hanged) in the descriptive process, so be it. Writing is blood. Blood is writing.]

Claudia said...

Ha ha!
Grammar be hanged.

Anonymous said...

No, thank you.

20 some odd years of school assignments were quite enough.

Never again.

PS I can't seem to leave a name on this anymore.

Claudia said...

PS Dada sends in this fab letters site, inckluding a little writing advice from CS Lewis with which I heartily concur.


Claudia said...

Apparently the contest thing isn't going over at all in any way shape or form. So I will try to stick to making outrageous remarks that people will take issue with.
Or just post pix.
I can't do all the heavy lifting here!

On the West Tower (doing the math) said...

Excuse me? I believe at least one participant did enter.

One entry, one prize.

Claudia said...

What should the prize be?

From the West Tower said...

Suggested Gift List

- New pair Red Wings #218
- Kershaw Skyline (non-serrated blade)
- Bottle Hawaiian Tropic Sunblock SPF 45
- Gift card to EMS for new carabiners (amount @ discretion of gift provider)
- Case of Rheingold (cold)

Claudia said...

Doesn't Rheingold come in cans?

Kate Knapp Artist Blog said...

my father the New Yorker Editor always said...ENOUGH with the adjective and adverbs!! and so I became a painter...a picture is worth ...NO words

Claudia said...

As a former LIFE-er, I can say that some pictures are worth 1,000 words, others—NOT!