With packs of electricians roving 98, it was refreshing to receive The Power Line, a newspaper for members of the Missouri cooperative that you have to join to get electricity in the Ozarks. There's a great article about an 86-year-old who grows broom straw to make his own brooms, another about a woman who paints gourds to look like Santas, and a news item about Missouri's number of smokers (fourth from top nationally) and cigarette tax (second to lowest) (coincidence?). Then there are ads for things I didn't know were things: the Han-D Stock Tank Heater, the High Country 3-Tier Saddle Rack, the Motorcycle-ATV jack. And the classifieds! Instrument repair of dulcimers and mandolins; Catahoula cattle dog, hog dog, tree dog, guard dog pups; play gospel songs in 10 lessons!; gentle mammoth jack, 6 yrs old has only bred jennets; ginseng seed for sale; cheese making supplies.
Rural is different than urban. No wonder this country can't get it together.
I am so moving to Missouri.
of course I love the photo and I want to play gospel songs in 10 easy lessons....guess i'll have to move
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