
other people's views

Beautiful tree at Karen and Larry's. So jealous—trees won't grow here!
 This is a good time of year to prowl around the island and visit friends and check out empty houses. The grass is greening up, and the workmen are hammering and painting away. The dump is full of big screen TVs that still work and and fans that no one can be bothered to clean, store fixtures, old bikes and furniture. Pickings are too good for the likes of me.
New mown lawn at Barrett's, with view of the (treeless) compound. We got some bushes.


Kate Knapp Artist Blog said...

we are all out in the garden and not at the computer!!!but I rely on the writer to be writing!...so I will comment that as usual I love your photos!!!BI looks awesome as do the Berkshires at this fragile exciting opening up time of year!!!

Claudia said...

I am playing in the briarpatch these days myself—but for the bolt to the mainland. But now back to yardwork and making beds.