

The President of the Garden Club, unflocked.
It is a very sad day for me. My sister, the President of the Garden Club, at the pinnacle of her distinguished career, has passed the torchflower to another. Never mind that the Other is worthy; never mind that my sister is glad to be shut of the responsibilities of the office. I have been so proud. She will always be the President of the Garden Club to me (in fact she was before she was, if you follow). I'll just swallow the word emeritus.
   In her last act as President, she of the takin'-care-of-bidness stride installed plantings at the charming Town Hall of her bucolic Massachusetts village. Across the street from the green, doors to the perfect church were open, I assumed for a wedding.
   But no. It was the funeral of a 20-year-old, dead of a heroin overdose. There is evil, even in the garden.


C "Rupert Murdoch" BA said...

Peripheral damage to the resignation: The demise of another blog.

And by the way.. why am I the only one commenting on this blog lately?

Come on, guys. What will happen if she loses heart and quits.

Ok Claude.. you may need to beef up your posts. Obviously sand, surf and grandkids aren't selling.

I suppose, (sigh) you need more sex, murder and a few scandals. Think New York Post.

Oh yeah... if it's not actually happening, make it up.

How's this "Body found on Beacon Hill?" " New Aquarium under Construction "

Claudia said...

Maybe you'd like to take over posting for me for a while! I need a break!

1 800 Ask Barrett said...

Like, I'm so good at that? When did I last post on my own blog?

Here's my advice.

Go on strike. Quit. Make your readers commit by depriving them for a while.

Until you begin posting on CSS again, start a new blog: "Why I Quit Blogging"

You need it, anyway. What with the President's resignation and all.

Kate Knapp Artist Blog said...

guess everything has to get "planted" eventually no matter from where or why...where would this young girl be if the poppies had not gotten planted?