
before the fall

This silhouette is unmistakable wherever you see it, whether near Three Mile Island or, as in this case, Fall River, Mass. And every time I see it, I can't help wondering whether Jane Fonda did us an enormous disservice. Yes, we haven't had a Chernoble, but our air is filled with emissions and our war zones with oil wells. Europe runs on nuclear power. And, in a great big ironic loop,  in the U.S. so-called "clean energy" can't get off the ground on account of environmentalists talking about view sheds and noise pollution and fish. I wonder how much of the aversion we feel for these towers is that they look slightly sinister. Or do they only look sinister because we know what they betoken?


PhilL said...

NPR has been talking all week about the noise and light 'pollution' from wind turbines in Falmouth, MA...

j said...

France's solution is to paint huge murals of sweet little children on the sides of their nuclear cooling towers.

Claudia said...

And of all the places in the world to have a nuclear accident, Japan seems like the worst.