
color scheme

It's hard for me to recognize my floor since the building did their new paint job. I don't know who decided that this milk chocolate color went well with the coffee elevator door and this mint green paint on the walls. Other tenants are using less appetizing descriptors for the colors, let me tell you.
Anyway, yesterday I almost suffered failure-to-get-off-at-my-floor while talking to this person who had paid me a visit the evening before. She is up Nawth collecting her furs. Ordinarily one doesn't need furs in Georgia unless the air conditioning is up real high, but this winter is an exception. In fact, Alabama and Georgia are expecting two inches of snow tomorrow.


Kathleen Mock said...

That looks like a hat you could shower in.

Dianne said...


P.S. Re the picture on your previous post, please post pics of your remodeled apt. for those of us who haven't been there for 10+(?) years. You've had bits & pieces of different rooms, but not a room by room showing like Miss Thing's.

Claudia said...

Needs to be cleaned up first. . .

cba said...

My method: Just put it all in the shower. One or two things at a time.

Works great! You might have to saw the sofa into a few pieces to fit it in, but hey.

neruda said...

nice model...where did you get her? I've been trying for weeks to get her up here to the Berkshire hills but I guess the furs just aren't good enough...all we have is coyote...

Claudia said...

I think she might make it up next week.