
it's not a cancer

"We don't give this news to too many people too many times," said the doctor. "It's not a carcenoma. It's benign. It's not cancer."
Ed struggled to understand that the knowledge he had been dealing with for two weeks, that he had colon cancer,had proved erroneous. "I had stopped thinking about the future," he says.
Now he has one. Still, we want you all to have a colonoscopy, as he will have to again soon. Ed, who has been joking about semicolons, asked the doc, "Given the size of the colon, do I get half off?


Dianne said...


Best to Ed!!!

J said...

I'm gone start readin' the blog again if it's gonna be tellin' us good stuff like this! This is the BEST NEWS EVER!!

HI ED!!!!!!!!!! MIssed you at the Dowling Intercontinental. lol, J

cba said...

I agree.

But if our insides really look like this....

Aren't we all supposed to be Creatures of Spirit?

Erin said...

zoiks. okay, maybe i don't want to whack the doctor any more.