
dreams of my consultant

The squirrels are playing kickball with pecans in my ceiling. Maybe that's why when my brother woke me up to say goodbye at 5:00 ayem I was having an Earth Day dream.
A consultant had come to my apartment in the city to recommend ways to adjust my life style for healthier living. He suggested putting chairs and occasional tables in the treetops I could see out the window and spending time there. He demanded that every meal be cooked at home, from scratch (quel horreur!). And he asked that I start thinking seriously about how to change my ways for the better. The only suggestion I could come up with was to replace a dying potted plant with a coffee bush.
I guess I have a way to go, earthwise.


cba said...

I have one very important suggestion, but you are not going to like it. Not one bit.

Quit drinking.

You can eat healthy food, breathe clean air, and continue to be the center of everyone's universe.

But if you want to get healthy fast, off the beers.

From someone who loves you and wants to see you outlive her.

neruda said...

Now I think that is the funniest image ...kickball in the ceiling...I guess that is what the mice were doing in my ceiling this morning but they must of had a different kind of nut....we don't grow pecans up here in the Berkshire Hills..maybe a butternut? and I really like your dream and that you remembered it so well...I didn't even know it was earth day!!!

otra rubia said...

Dreaming about bushes, hmm? Calling Dr. Freud. Please report to the Goose, stat.