
ordering out

Mr. Li, Please tell Lee Hong Fuk to send some wolverine chow mein out here. I'm marooned on this island with a pot of stew on the stove and no time to cook until I finish trying to make sense of the United Nations.
That's right, the United Nations. Make sense to you Mr. Li? All you want is free trade, right? Well you can't have it with me, because I am going to be very busy with this manuscript. I am told it has some problems.
Although not as many as the United Nations.
The stew is going to get pretty old by the end of the week. When the Chinese food runs out, I'll accept Indian curry or Japanese sashimi. I'm into multiculturalism at the mo. No Irish stew. I will have had enough of that.


Anonymous said...

Li big puzzlement. What is Lady Carpenter fix wulverine view?
However, Li very happy have # 1 customer back. Li learn cook this thing Lady-san want.
Lady need norishment fight beast.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, skip the Irish stew...

Anonymous said...

Li have made special dish for #1 Lady-san. Is honor Bruce, call "Tenth Avenue Cheese-Out". Is Irish-italian inspire dish, with mutton and vermicilli, quattro fromagio.

Li ship NEA ce soir. Li also study French cusine. Have many suprise Lady-san.

Praise be to Buddha.

Claudia said...

Mr. Li: Once again you have overreached. I did not request you to prepare foodstuffs for me, only to ask Lee Hong Fuk to send out his specialty du maison joss.
Also, I revile mutton. I'm not that keen on ted Turner either—he was off his meds that day.
Please consider our communication at an end as soon as you have relayed this message to Lee Hong Fuk. And take off the apron.

Anonymous said...

No. Cook fine victuals Lady-mean san. Only mean because hungry. Soon have new dish: Mutant mouton encroute.