
the birds



Anonymous said...

Li has seen Hitchcock films called this thing. Li very worried for Lady Bride. Is bad thing, this many bird like peoples eating. Please, Lady-san..DO NOT GO OUTSIDE OF HOUSE. Li go to joss house now, pray Buddha send wulverines to eat birds.

Claudia said...

This romance seems to have heated up awfully fast, considering we've never met.

Anonymous said...

Is American way. Li have also heard plot of big blockbusting movie, very popular with Americans, they call story "Sleeping In Seattle". In this people never meeting have love. So is with Lisan and Lady Bride. This is Love Story. Oh, Lady! Please do not have brain tumor and forget Boss lyrics.

Claudia said...

Baby we were born to run?

Anonymous said...

Yes. From wolverines and migrating birds, apparently.
What you need is Brad. I was just thinking about how cute he is in fighting trim.
Oliver Stone is talking to him about a remake of Cleopatra.
You know, if Colin Farrell can play Alexander, I think Brad can do a good Mark Anthony. And then we can get steamy on screen. I mean, I'll be Cleopatra. Obviously.
I know, I know. Jennifer has her heart set on the part. But she's out of her league.
I was great as Olympias. Everyone knows that.
Maybe I can fix Jen up with Colin. He resembles Brad.
And I want Bill Crudup to play Caesar.