
shake it up

This picture is glued to the wall. I used hot glue, and every summer when it gets warm in the apartment, blocks drop off. They are made of wood, and make quite a thud.
Daughter-Flower did the picture in high school, and over the years we have created a superstition that whichever block drops off relates to her state of mind of the moment.
How would you interpret this one?


cba said...

You said you were worried about her.

This block could indicate unrest. It's sort of bleak, like April can be in New England, when there is still snow on the ground.

On the other hand, it could be interpreted as peaceful. Lilac is a very peaceful color.

Maybe Wolfen needs to take a nap. I think, judging from My Turn to Hustle, she's been in overdrive since My Turn to Drive became My Turn to Buy.

Daughter Flower said...

She said she was worried about me? Why? Since when?

cba said...

She said it yesterday, simply because you hadn't called her as often in the last day, or something like that.

Daughter Flower said...

Ahh...well, I called her thrice today to make up for it. Phew.