I gave the Cruiser a wash before I left West Plains, Mo. Some of what I had arrived with was gone.
To wit:
4 plastic cups
3 lbs of coffee
2 ripe tomatoes
and 1 philips sonic tooth brush
12 votive candles
8 Zabar's sponges
2 bottles olive oil (and two of a nice Beaujolais)
1 Mexican rug
place setting for one
1 bedside lamp
1 aerobed
1 sleeping bag
1 cooler
6 romance novels
2 mysteries
1 pocketknife
electronics (phone, camera, computer)
On the way back the load was increased by 3 fogger bug bombs (ah, property management), a case of Ozarka water, four rolls of Bounty, one can of Barkeeeper's Friend and other sundries.
I passed up Calm and Fairdealing, Mo., but when I reached St. Cloud, Mo., I thought: Wouldn't it be cool to change my last name and be Claude St. Cloud? And then I thought: That sounds like a transgendered hooker's name. However, If you think I should change my name anyway please vote below.
Now I am in Block Island battening down the hatches for a tropical storm named Hanna, meant to hit tonight. Like I said, property management.
This is all very fine and good, and I LOVE the pic. Much nicer colors than our local Coach N' Buggy Car Wash has to offer.
But what's the story with The Goose?
And just how much of downtown Woonsocket do Wolfen and Chris now own?
Save the Bounty for me.
Would my name then be Hurricane Hannah Weishart Dowling Gasner St Cloud Garrison?
This is just too confusing. I am going to have to go to Woonsocket.
Catherine Scarlett Lauren Durrett Andrews-Jackson aka Dakota Wolf Cub wants to know what Woonsocket is.
On the subject of naming, ever think of calling your blog Dowling's Howlings?
Actually my brother Ben, a musician, was once dubbed Howling Dowling.
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