
be an angel

Dear Angel Baby,
I have a friend, a well known artist with many awards, who's getting eviction and foreclosure notices on her apartment. She needs about $30,000 to keep her place. Help!
My friend is a profligate spendthrift with a manic streak. Still, she is one of those very rare brilliant lights who deserve to be supported for the joy and clarity they bring into the world. She has spent years helping desperate people and has saved many lives with her art. Literally saved. No kidding.
Now she is desperate, and I really don't know what to do. Since giving yet another friend $20,000 to keep her from losing her place a few years ago, I don't have the credit to float this one.
Get in touch with me, and we can work out something. To clarify: I am asking for an outright gift or grant. I would prefer you pay the mortgage directly to the bank (yes, they made one of those pesky, risky loans), but want to make sure you are not scheming to get the place yourself. My "friend" is not me, truly, and she has no idea I have posted this. Please. Be an angel. Quick!
Love, C

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