

The wind began in the night, with an undercurrent of waves, a little voice calling mama and unidentifiable rattles. I looked outside (above) and saw choppy seas but nothing major. Then came the calls and e mails: Word of airport closings, subway closings, ferry service disruption, evacuation, danger. The news is whipping everyone up into a froth, and it's hard to be the eye of calm in the hurricane of warnings.
   Hannah and Chris are talking about taking the last boat off at 12:45. I am planning to go down with the ship, though I can always evacuate up the hill to Barrett's if need be. High tides tomorrow are at about 7:30, so we shall see. Just had the first spatter of rain.


cba said...


Here's Wind in Your Eye said...

Blast Half Full

May the tide be with ye,
young lass
Take courage,
tie and lash

The hawk wants attention
tight copy
and a mention

Let her sigh, lest she laugh

otra rubia said...

The South Bronx (south of Dolores and me) is being evacuated.

Claudia said...

Well fortunately you're on a high floor!