Reportedly, Fox and Geese was Queen Victoria's favorite game—a strategic board game kind of like Go or Checkers.
This superannuated fox was donated by FLM, and it made Ruca the Precious Pup go crazy when she noticed it on top of the refrigerator at the Goose. The goose was donated by Bill when I said I needed a stuffed goose to go with the fox.
And speaking of the refrigerator, I had a dream that a Coke Classic ad was being shot using this very Frigidaire and cutting to the benches outside of Thomasville's (unfortunately) disused gas station (see earlier post). (You too could lease it for $500 a YEAR plus a portion of profits.)
And speaking of Fox, I hate Fox. They are a sick, sick company. Their latest Acorn thing makes me puke, luring volunteers into error. Righteous indignation because a prostitute is trying to get a mortgage? Prostitutes shouldn't be allowed to own? Give me a fucking break. We are all geese, and Fox is the fox.
And another thing. Also this.
You need a real goose...F will have to go goose hunting again!
This is Security Enforcement Officer Catherine B, Andrews signing in,
I have the title.
I have the badge.
I have the wardrobe.
Now all I need is the assignement.
Can you please spell that for me?
Sorry for your trouble, Lady.
I'll blow them to bits. O.K. ??
Let me know. Joey Leuongo has nothing on me.
Off me some Glenn Beck.
Fox sucks...can't believe how bad they suck ..... unbelievable....the New yorker last week said it pretty well "What is different now is the evolution of a new political organism, with paranoia as its animated principal. The town meeting shouters may be the organism's hands and feet, but it's heart- also heaven help us, it;s brain,- is a "conservative" media alliance built around talk radio and cable television, especially Fox News. The protesters do not look to politicians for leadership. They look to niche media figures like Rush Libaugh. Sean Hannity, Genn Beck, Michael Savage and their scores of clones behind local and national microphones. Because these figures have no responsibilities, they cannot disappoint." Talk of the Town
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