fair warning: on block island or manhattan or in missouri, we can be a little salty
what's in the truck this time
OK, besides the hula dancer, the dragon eyes (like litchees), the paper map and the Animal, what do you think might be in the truck? Hint: Yes we had no bananas Hint No. 2: There are tiki torches—I forget how many. You can guess.
K Mock
Your hints are confusing. I imagine a truck filled to the brim. Boiled Peanuts? Did someone go bananas? Did someone light up like a tiki torch?
well at least there is a hoola girl! so glad you are on the road and I for one have no idea what's in the truck except alot of talent,good looks (dog included) alot of humor, tons of fun.....quite a few cameras...you are lucky ducks...
Your hints are confusing. I imagine a truck filled to the brim. Boiled Peanuts? Did someone go bananas? Did someone light up like a tiki torch?
well at least there is a hoola girl! so glad you are on the road and I for one have no idea what's in the truck except alot of talent,good looks (dog included) alot of humor, tons of fun.....quite a few cameras...you are lucky ducks...
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