
the first joke

So Mama was fishing around in a bag in a dark closet when her hand touched something furry that moved.
She screamed at the top of her lungs. She scared Baby.
But it was only the cat. Boy did Mama feel silly.
Baby has a stuffed cat (seen here). So for a day, Baby said, "Mama, cat"—and then shrieked at the top of her lungs.


cba said...

I think that's the very toy cat Cate and I gave her, isn't it?

Ah, now that she's old enough, time for the Real Deal. And I have several that might delight her.

Whoops! I forgot...she has a cat.

Grandma, on the other hand.....

How now, Brown Meow?

Claudia said...

Ixnay on the atskay!