
the name game

NAME THOSE CHICKS I requested suggestions of names for the Mourning Dove Twins (I was calling them chicks, but I understand they are actually called squabs, which sounds too much like food.)
There were a lot of pair names, obv.
Bert and Ernie
Time and Life (sigh)
Brooklyn and Queens
Bagel and Lox
Sancho and Panza
Buddy and Holly
Lovey and Dovey
Claude and Clyde (per the McBeeBee twins, made famous by Bob & Ray)
My contribution to this batch would be Eeny and Meany
Then we got further into the stratosphere
I loved Calvin Coolidge and Kublai Khan
Likewise Limerick and Lemonrick (Their scions to be Sonnet and Daughteret)
Paz (Spanish for peace) and Palom (Spanish for dove)
I was thinking maybe Paz and Amor, for peace and love, which doves symbolize. (Which makes me wonder, do birds who mate for life ever get pissed off with one another?)
Hemingway (Hemi) for the big agressive dude and Rumi for the other, a nod to the literary world
Then Then we go full on aloha
Hana and Pepe or Wai  and Mea (if they've a Kauaian streak)
And Kai and Kiki, suggested in homage to the parents and also Hawaiian connections
Ok, so the parents' names are CooCoo and Haiku
If you take the family name to be Coo, I can't help but think of Coochie Coo and Hoochie Coo
This, despite the face that my friend Toby (whose name means dove in Yiddish, she says, though in Hebrew it is Jonah like him with the whale) said the mourning dove call is not coo. "There is no K sound," she says. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF HERE.
Anyway, I like the K sound. So I think I'm going with Kai Coo—Kai for ocean in Hawaiian, and to keep the theme going, Kukui Coo, kukui being a native Hawaiian nut tree that symbolizes, among other things, peace. 
And you know whose vote counts here.
The chicks are already growing wing feathers and finding it difficult to conceal themselves beneath their parents. In a week they will be grown and flown. Follow on my FB story.
And BTW, despite all our anthropomorphizing and notions of gender roles, it's mainly the papa bird you see feeding the chicks in my videos. He takes most of the day shift, and I can't see any of them at night. Nor can my phone. Not sure where he sleeps. 

Oh, and one more thing. Speaking of names, I find this years prospective hurricane names hilarious. I don't know why. (If you do plase tell me!) I mean, the hurricanes themselves are not likely to be the least bit funny. Especially for those of us with beach rentals. But the names. . . Arlene, Bret, Cindy, Don, Emily, Franklin, Gert, Harold, Idalia, Jose, Katia, Lee, Margot, Nigel, Ophelia, Philippe, Rina, Sean, Tammy, Vince and Whitney

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