
the fam

Badumbadum. Badum. Badumbadumbadum...

Little red Corvette
 My sister-in-law Lynn is a music teacher, and she devised an elaborate video for her students about jazz. It opened with Lynn as Inspector Clousseau and bro Chris as the Pink Panther. Chris, being a set carpenter, can't work on the black cowboy series he was doing. It's been shut down for who knows how long. But he did get his Corvette repainted. Red, naturally.
  Meanwhile, we celebrated my brother and sister in law's 35th (?) wedding anniversary with breakfast last week. They had just sent their youngest off to college, when she had to come home, along with her brother and girlfriend who had been living in New York. There's a lot of full-nest syndrome going around, I understand. In face, my neices who were tired of their parents (and vice versa) have come out for a BI break
Still crazy after all these years


Kate Knapp Artist Blog said...

where does the time go? Love the PINK PANTHER

Camilla said...

wrote an essay on pink panther the other day!