
another best shower in the world

 The new shower at Hannah's is almost done. Still needs trim and a pane of glass and one last pass plumbing- wise, but looks swell, no? Kudos to Sam's design and Tom's tiling. We are pretty much decided to leave the wood natural rather than paint it white. Agreed?


cba said...

That's very snazzy.

George Michael himself would like it.

neruda said...

snazzy...now there's a good word...looks kinda like a bar to me...expect a martini to be sitting there any minute...where's the bar tender anyway....taking a shower?

j said...

Well, we're needin' showers out here in CA, cause it was 86 degrees in SF today. Broke out the tank tops and went to a garden party.

Claudia said...

I so wish I was there!

Claudia said...

Word: The finished product made it through it's first rental season with flying colors. No mold, no water damage despite the lack of shower curtain.