
your room is ready


Anonymous said...

How much is that view per week and if I want a room with an ocean view is that more per week? What about a room without any view? Is that less? Can I pick and choose the different views and get a better price? If I pay cash would you offer a discount? What about just a view for a day? Weekends?

Anonymous said...

is there is they is their
is too much is around here

Anonymous said...

I think that's MY room, and I'm not sure about the shade of lilac. But whoever has designs on my room, watch out for Brad. He'll tear you apart.

Claudia said...

The rooms are all the same price, both here and at Casa Claudia B & B in New York. But none of them are free at the mo—the overflow is asleep all over the living room. And there's talk of Spaga, too.