A bird just landed on my head. At first I thought it was a really huge fly. But then I saw it. A tiny chickadee, it hopped from the twigs on the chandelier to the branch that the pots and pans hang on to the surfboards on the ceiling, trying to get away from me as I attemped to capture it with a dishtowel.
Then the phone rang, and it was Citichild telling me she had just watched sunrise/moonset on the top of Cheehaw Mountain, the highest point in Alabama. During the night they had also driven past the highest points in North Carolina and Georgia. She wanted her grandfather's phone number. If she had been a bird she could have flown directly down the mountain to his rustic palace in the woods.
And speaking of birds. How did this one get inside and when? I've had the door closed most of the time due to either rainy or cold weather. It finally managed to find the open door and fly away, to find some real twigs and branches.
Neither, dorks, The buff would be Brad. Like, duh!
I am like this motif. Bird of happiness land on head sign Buddah is bless house of Claudia-san.
I am thenking this good luck comes to lady carpenter thenks to many fine itmes bought from Li. Have oportunety to offer lady xcellent glass flowers with large contain center motif. Are interested, please to let Li know, even though Wasabi-san has wife not liking computer time.
This guy defintitely scares me. Do you suppose he's into Kabballa?
It is good luck...imagine if it were bird shit
Hoh, Chen-Li cannot beleive what he did. I must stop chase my breath!
So excited am I with Lady Carpenter's good fortune from my goods, I am eager for more luck to her. I am running like small rabbit from car to bins at Recycle Units...many, many cardboards, mixed carbboards, this colored plastic I do not understand what is Numbers 1- 6, lids only? So many! I am afraid I missing bid on special flowered drinking thing I have promised this lady. So I finish and drive so fast to my home. Alas! Thinks Li, I have missed opportnity for Buddah to smile again on Lady.
Then Li finds auction is not now, is next after fourth day! What was Li thinking??
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