Mr. Li has sent me very fine beautyful item. Only problem: don't know what is for doing with. Pleas help humble lucky person recieving same to understand how using? Arigato.
And speaking of being in the pooper, found out yesterday afternoon that the Conservation Commission was meeting to consider my case. Went up to the Town Hall, but only one commisssion member showed up so no quorum so no meeting so no diceroonee. Then went to Planning Board meeting for THEM to consider my case. The junior lawyer showed up. The one I can get on the phone. With his girlfriend. He's younger than my stepson. But anyway, they voted unanimously to recommend approval of my plans to the Zoning Board.
What is this item please? Need some helping of understanding.
Ah! Li say you have done just so thing with this item.
Small version of toilet placed on true toilet, is symbol of man, in role as child of Buddah.
Object can be talisman as such. Can also be function. If carpenter lady-san chose, place small tiolet on floor next to father toilet, placing in sponge for toilet cleanse. Thus object symobol of man role to Buddah, and help Lady know which is spong for toilet only.
If Mr. Li hope for satori, must learn say Buddha. Spell bad as bad as smell bad. Even though Great Emptiness Nonbeing, Buddha is not toilet. Toilet filled in shits. Buddha filled in oneness. Oneness is not shits, is all things. Maybe even this spong. What is spong?
Dear Kyoto-san. Suggest need study way of Lao-tzu. No question in mind of Buddah, all are one.
Lowly thing as toilet is, is oneness with man.
This spong is small humble celluslose object. Come in bright colors, very soft function. Can be use instead of Bounty. I send along with forks, knife, cruet shell find form England, if wish.
Li humble apologize to Buddha. Li not good English.
This Phil maybe teach Kyoto Wasabi way of Master. So simple, yet powerful. "Buddha sits." This speak voleums!!
Bruce also short say so power!! Li listen always Bruce. Some say Bruce-san sing only re:girls and cars. Li say Bruce walk with Buddah. Buddha.
Plise. No more helping of understanding. Understanding helping not helping. More confusciousing. Understanding better before this helping. Excuse, please.
Ah, so true!
Confucius say: "The peoples may be made to follow a path of actuion, but they may not be mad to understood it."
Is puzzlement.
Ok, phil, I see the item, but what is it for???
Li would like know, please, who is other merchant selling to Lady? Lady is not customer to many, special customer Li only. I pray to Buddha in the josh house, and Buddha he bring back my Lady.
Hmm. A teenytinytoilet with the CSV logo. Has a ceratin appeal. Maybve I can photoshop it as a try.
AH! Much posting makes carpenter lady burn toast! Toast all black like worldview! Ah!
Li concerned that carpenter Lady has drink much coffee, like lady killer, and have turn black like wuldverine? Li knows of werewoulves. This in Chinese myth is men who, like Zombies, come to living from dead, fuzzy beast in coffees with ground earth from Transylvania. Oh, dear! What happen to birds of happiness, sweet smiles of Buddha?
No! Now wuldverines, and burnt sacrifice to other Gods than Buddha? Li must go to josh house.
Is too much like CVS. People will want buy sundries from Lady.
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