It poured all day yesterday, and the sound of the waves and the rain on the uninsulated roof of Claudia's Surf City was amazingly soporific. I got out of bed to buy the Times, but otherwise hermited, accepting no calls or visitors, reading no e-mail, severing connections with the mainland, marooned on the island of my bed on the island.
Today the sun is brilliant, and I gotta get moving. I have to weed gardens (seaweed for mulch?), weed around septic tank filters, paint windowsills, cut brush, move boats, weedwhack (sp?). Then I better check me for ticks.
See?? See?? Everyone is so jealous they are stunned into speechlessness.
Have mercy.
Can't you do something unenviable for a few weeks?
You need a jeal-anon meetig.
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