Everyone is asking me, "How is Ed?" The picture above, taken by Chien-Chi a month ago, is the last time I saw him. He had had his tumor removed but not yet begun treatment.
Next he had his head shaved so that he could wear a cap of electrodes which requires carrying around a battery pack. He has to wear it basically all the time except when he takes a shower. His daughter took the first bald picture below.
And then he began daily chemo, in pill form, and daily radiation, for which he has to Uber up the FDR drive from Brooklyn. Traffic can make it take a while, though the procedure itself only takes about a half hour. I am not going to send you the picture of that, for which he also has to wear a full-on face mask with an x marking the spot where the machine goes.
These procedures are meant to keep him alive longer. His doctors tell him things are looking good. Whatever that means.
Ed himself is in good spirits. His vision is poor, which makes reading and writing hard and his spelling even worse than it was already. But he can still tell a story and crack a joke. Still my Ed.
Thank you so much for the update - keeping Ed in my thoughts and sending healing vibes. Love seeing the photos!
Thank you so much, Claudia.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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