
cat up a tree

 That's Cat. I should have asked him what his name is short for. He has a job driving a semi during the week, but on the weekends he does trees. He used to be a logger, and his bucket truck is his "retirement plan," he says.
     He had a lot of call for tree services this past week when we had a derecho storm sweep through the area. It was right after that that I noticed a giant split branch headed for my roof, which is flat and rubber and could tear.  I mean, it might have been there before, but that's when I noticed it. So Cat came, joined by his son, 22, and girlfriend, ?, who left the kids at home to help dad load all the brush in two trucks.  I like that box elder a lot, and I hope it survives the surgery.
   Tomorrow's episode: A visit from the honey wagon! Hopefully.

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