
animal pictures are always winners

 Roy, or Roy Boy, is getting old. He used to be rather fierce, but he would prefer to lie in the sun now. He may be too lazy these days to go down to the pond and get wet and stinky. We'll see. The weather is meant to be 90s now for a while, with violent thunderstorms.
   And speaking of weather, here is Russell's report on the jamup on Mt. Everest this season. It's incredibly interesting and well thought out. I wish somebody like National Geographic would publish it along with his treatise on the yaks.
    Donna Ferrato had a show of some of the work in her forthcoming Holy, which was covered in the Guardian. It popped up on Debby's news feed.
   Weather in Block Island has been miserable—some tenants left a day early! Erin was No. 8 in the standby line to get over as of 7 ayem in the pouring rain.
   I have a clog in the line to the septic, so all drains are bubbling. I knew I should have married a plumber. I am still painting. Hope to finish painting (or, as I like to think of it, disturbing spiders) the  downstairs front wall today. Gotta be camera ready by the big T'ville celebration on the Fourth!
One of the feral cats that lives at the Yellow House.

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