View of the cafe and prospective pavilion from my deck. Bear has to move his trailer. |
The sign went up yesterday. River Resorts is opening the R&R Restaurant and Lodge. There will be souvenirs and T-shirts, kayak rentals and rooms to let. The owners have traded Bear what was left of his place after the flood—a concrete pad—for five acres of land uphill. The concrete pad directly across the street from me will become a picnic pavilion! The building behind it, which used to be Tom's house before the flood, and a church before that, will become a wedding chapel! With a honeymoon suite! The gas station down the street will be recreated into a rustic bunkhouse for hikers and floaters.
I know all this because I invited Judy to visit me yesterday. She appears to be the executive director, and PR person for a board of local (wealthy) women who have decided to revive Thomasville on their own. Judy and her husband are associate pastors of His Place House of Worship. She used to work for the county's family court, but God told her to take on this mission in Thomasville. She is rediscovering its history, and thinks God may have led her to me, a writer, to record this. She believes that God certainly had a hand in resettling me here after the flood. Reason: To Be Determined.
Well, God knows, I want to see Thomasville revived. When I turn out the lights at night, there's nothing to be seen but streetlights around me. Whether I want an actual revival across the street from me, I don't know. Do these people not understand the biblical or environmental implications of the Great Thomasville Flood of 2017?
But they have hired decorators and restaurateurs and builders and cleaners and carpenters and are aiming for a "soft opening" on July 4 for a weekend of T'ville activities including bands and fireworks and probably fried pies and barrel racing and rodeo. They have health department certification for the well and restaurant. Bless them!
The forthcoming wedding chapel and honeymoon suite. With new steeple. |
Once River's Edge Cafe, then Eleven Point Cafe, and now new name. |