

The serenity of the sunset belies my reality of the last few days: The computer nightmare.
   The sound  quit on my computer. That didn't matter to me  much, being deaf, but it was annoying not to know when I had mail or a phone call or wanted to watch a 30-second video (all I am capable of these days due to an ever- shortening attention span).
   I spent some hours on that serene evening on the phone with Apple support, wiping and redownloading my operating system. That didn't work, so it was off to the Apple store where the nice woman with turquoise hair had me Leave My Computer for Repair. (I ran into a friend from college there, though, and we're having din tomorrow, so that was good.)
   When I picked it up the next day, it had been totally wiped so I have had to reinstall Firefox, Word, printer software, etc. and enter or change about a half a zillion passwords. Then I had a fight with my printer and my WiFi. I'm not done yet, but I am exhausted and at the moment can do what I need to do. So all is well until I start fussing with DSL and printer again. I am so mad at Verizon I am going to cancel my WiFI. However, I cannot wire the printer to my MacBook because no USB port so on it will all go.


Ivy said...

Computer problems are the worst. Reinstalling everything-- NIGHTMARE!

Claudia said...

Ivy, the friend from college is Howard.

Ivy said...

And you had dinner. Fun!

Claudia said...

Til 3 ayem