
ze will rock you

Inspired by my post about the new intake info [and also convinced I was going in for a sex-change operation (gender reassignment surgery?) rather than a shot for my knee], CBA sent me the above picture and the text below:

Now We Can be Confused from Cradle to Grave

The First Challenge:  The Birth Certificate!    followed by:

A Lifetime of Options: The New Age Medical Forms  and then:

The Final Bow:   This is a two person “family” monument.  You are on the left and your sex-to-be determined significant other is on the right.   Remember when Douglas registered your Fiat as Claudio Dowling?? He was So ahead of his time!


CBA said...

I so want a tombstone with a reference to Queen when the time comes..

But as an aside from moments of levity,, how will the new mutable be-gendered come to interpret and present history to their heirs?

Et they, Brute? Or Homeo, my Homeo, where fore art they, Homeo? Buckwheat nailed in a 1936 episode of The Little Rascals, but it's a long and complex path from the Bard to the Third Reich.

Kate Knapp Artist Blog said...

did this tombstone really exist or did you make it up?