
good night, irene!

OK, guys, chill. Yes, there is a storm headed for us, right into a vacant news hole while everyone is on vacation —many at the shore. Yes, New York, where I am at present, is in its path at the moment.
Yes, so is Block Island. Today is changeover, and I have been in touch with the tenants who are planning to show up today as always. For one set, this will be the second hurricane they've ridden out. They know how to lash the furniture to the deck, etc. Hannah is leaving the others a note to ask them to do the same and close the storm doors.
My prep for the storm here will include the phone number for Ollie's takeout and a case of Becks. If I get real worried, I may fill the bathtub with water.
If you'd like to follow the storm and worry about us anyway, here's a great map.


D.R. said...

Wish I were there in NYC with ya....that sounds like fun. I'm off to a pre-Hurrican wedding, which has great fun potential too. Hope to see you soon, CD!

otra rubia said...

A friend writes:
Look. This isn't about anything except staying safe. Our options are as follows:

1. Die.
2. Find physical, emotional, and sexual safety at the Morris Avenue firehouse.