

In a series of entertainments, I host a judge, a rancher, a journalism student, a sculptor and a horsewoman.
Guess which one this is?


DaDa said...

It has to be horsewoman.

otra rubia said...

I say she's a judge AND a rancher. Amirite?

K said...

She looks serious in this picture and based on that I can see her in robe on the bench. I can see her as a sculptor too.

Claudia said...

OK, so she does look pensive and judgmental. And yes, she breeds and shows quarter horses.
But for the purposes of the above list, she is the journalism student, as she is at present getting her masters at Columbia U of Mo J school.
She says that, while being a journalist is like being at school, being at school is nothing like being a journalist. Go figure.

K said...

That was sort of a trick question. She's a horsewoman and journalism student. You fooled everyone but Da Da on April 1. Does he get a prize?