
why they built the new bridge

And just for reference, my house is at the left center of the bottom picture. Or was, when I left it three hours ago, with the water still rising. . .
Drove through the tempests and fogs and winding roads and flooded roads for five hours from St. Louis to get to the Goose yesterday and found—death and disaster.
Stay tuned and I will explain next time I'm in town.


Kathleen said...

Maybe you should have rented a boat too!

Wolfen said...

Dude, we totally should have purchased a canoe!!

Dianne said...

And you could transport it back & forth from The Goose to BI for the freshwater pond that almost flooded the house this year.

cba said...

Hmm.. as Diane points out. It would seem, where you go, it rains. To excess.

People in areas experiencing droughts pay big money for rainmakers.

I see a new career for you, babe. You just need an act.

Maybe Chris could accompany you with a firedance. And Hannah could charm snakes. It's so now.

Anonymous said...

What is the latest

cba said...

Finally, we find out she has not been swept away.

Nor has the Goose flooded.

I, for one, was envisioning the worst.

But high and dry is the latest report, via cell phone, from the lady herself, for all her fans.