This lovely form, which was sent to me by someone who shall remain nameless but her name begins with an H for Hagridden like me thanks very much, may come in useful for some of you who, perhaps inspired by holiday excesses, long to begin exercising but simply need a chart to mark things off on to really jumpstart yourself. Feel free to use this one.
I like the "Reason For Not" section. Could be very revealing.
And speaking of health, how depressing is this?
(From the NYT):
Wyeth, the pharmaceutical company, paid ghostwriters to produce medical journal articles favorable to its female hormone replacement therapy Prempro, according to Congressional letters seeking more information about the company’s involvement in medical ghostwriting. At least one article was published even after a federal study found the drug raised the risk of breast cancer. ...
The documents show company executives came up with ideas for medical journal articles, titled them, drafted outlines, paid writers to draft the manuscripts, recruited academic authors and identified publications to run the articles — all without disclosing the companies’ roles to journal editors or readers.
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