Today I close a mortgage on my old house to be able to pay for the new one. And not a moment to soon—the floating home equity loan that has been floating me has floated above the cost of this fixed rate I'm closing. Goddess willing. At 4:30 this afternoon in Cranston, RI. Beauty spot of the Providence area. Not.
Probably a good spot to buy the two new truck tires, though.
Have you tried trans-derm scop?
I'm so glad for you. Remember my tabacconial indiscretion on the island? That was the last cigarette I ever had in my mouth (Thank God - maybe that kept the colon polyps away (I was led to believe it was apples)). It did not, however, keep the teenage daughter away. Trade Hannah for Veronica? Probably Hobson's choice - they're probably both just what we wanted.
Any-way - I have always loved you and it's nice to know, at this late stage, that you've not only fulflled what I "expected" of you then (remember the movie with the Balls?), but also so much more.
Life has been kind to us both.
I hope this does not unpleasantly surprise you. You would probably look upon my life so far with a measure of nostalgiacially-rooted satisfaction (unless you really liked Scott so much better than me
(sorry, just joking - I understand passion, too)).
Anyway - sorry to be so serious. I just wanted to tell you how proud of you I am. If the situations were reversed, I know that you'd feel the same way..
Jim Anderson
("Here come the colors!!")
J: Are we talking about facials or radials here?
Jimmy: How on earth did you find this site? True, I was mad about Scott at the time, but we were, what, 16,17? Will write.
Anti-sea-sickness medication--for all that floating. But facials are good too. Don't know shit about tires.
Ahhh. I didn't realize we were tawking about seasickness. But you are right--that's what I'm feeling. That a landlubberly panic.
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