The door to the outdoor shower became a project mostly because of my own stupidity. I didn't realize that the finish-screw bit I was using was no longer really square and was stripping the screws. As soon as I got a new bit they went in smoothly—and came out, too, if I put them in the wrong place. Which I did quite a lot. If, putting in a little paneling, I had begun to fancy myself a woodworker, this project, ill conceived and poorly executed, taught me the error of my ways. Just figuring out where to put the hinges was like a Three Stooges routine, with me playing all three. Slapstick, slapdash. Whatever. It's operational. For the moment.
Oh, and thanks for the editorializing with the picture, Oceangurl. I really appreciate it.
A bad day of home repair on the island is still a great day. Where else can you wear a bikini and wield power tools?
I agree. She can use wield a pen and a drill gun.
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