
camilla invades block island


For a while, Camilla has been contemplating island life. She has seen a number of issues she would like addressed, and decided to write to the mayor, who on Block Island is called the First Warden. By the time she got on the boat (arriving, above), she had it pretty much written.


Upon arrival, Hannah  helped Camilla execute another plan: cutting a foot or so of her hair off to donate to Locks of Love. 

Then she cut my hair, though I didn't have more than a couple inches to spare.

Who knows what scheme she will come up with next.


knapp attack


I have had more visitors than usual in the past two weeks. One of the best was Kate Knapp, who visits only to paint when the weather is inclement. We have great vists when her hands and eyes are busy. I just watch and listen. 
This is my window on a grey, pastel day. I have often taken pictures as well. Below is one of mine.
Then there was this one. On one of our beautiful days before the advent of the smoke.