My brother-in-law Johnny sent me the aerials, which appear to have been colorized. But you can plainly see in the one above that his vision of a freshwater pond in the shape of Block Island has reached fruition. Check it out on google maps. The two houses on the left are mine. The barn is his.
The picture below has not been colorized. It was sent to me by the tenant at Claudia's Surf City from my porch. The two yachts reportedly belong to David Geffen and JK Rowling.
I have been getting inquiries pleading for space at my houses in case I have any cancellations. Meanwhile there was another fraudster collecting money for renting my place. The woman was wise enough to check VRBO and call me, but she was still out the money.
Block island has been discovered.
View from my porch. Geffen's "Rising Sun" is said to be 452 feet long. |
Maybe the island has been too much discovered. This is the roadside in front of our place. And apparently the volunteer EMTs and tiny police force are in crisis mode. Per
this article.
Overview of oceanview |