"Nick, baby, my man." I'm standing in the Seacaucus, N.J., Home Depot looking at 16-foot baseboard mouldings. Dolores's contractor, Nick, needs them for her apartment. Today. And she's en route from DC. I'm buying. And, it appears, cutting: The lumber department's saw is broken. "Nicky, sweetheart, will eight-footers fit into the elevator? They will? Okay, I'll be over noonish." I need almost two hundred board feet of moulding (by my calculations, hope they're right). That means I have to saw 12 pieces in half with a hand saw. Sweat is beading my back when I've finished. Then I locate the end cap for the counter top, the tile for the backsplash, the grout, the grout sealer (who knew?). The "helpers" are least in sight when I load up the truck. I pull up at Dolores's in the Bronx with barely enough time to offload and zip back to the UWS to park. It ain't easy parking a green full-sized pickup on the street.
"Nicky, baby, check you later."
It's so hard doing tasteful renovations in Seacaucus and the Bronx. And I'm not even sure tasteful blends in with the environment: See lobby of Dolores's new building, above. How appropriate, a lady with grapes. Who is she? Demeter?
By the way, please note contrast: Bronx/Fairfield County. Are you jealous of the range of my friends
or what?