
a gander at the goose

This just in: "We made a pilgrimage to The Goose this afternoon. As expected, all is exactly as you left it ... except your poor, thirsty tomato plants are literally dying for you. I would have watered them, but thought you had disconnected everything. The grass is hanging in there, despite the heat & lack of water. Bear has obviously been mowing but not watering. We planned to open the doors, drive to Alton to eat, then have Bear lock up around dark. His red truck was parked next to his house, but he did not answer his door when R knocked & called him. So, we had to just go ahead & lock up before we left without giving TG a chance to air.
Rest assured that, while smelling a bit moldy, TG smells & looks SO MUCH BETTER than it did the first time you & I walked in that one day last year!!! Also, we didn't spot any new leaks on the ceiling, etc. The only problem we encountered was the 'swollen' kitchen door. We didn't want to force it, because we were afraid that if we did get it open, we might not get it shut again."

Tnx, Dianne! Her pix show how nicely the grass has grown in over the (ahem) "garden" and that my transplanted hedges, unlike the tomatoes, are still alive.

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