
the fling

The saying goes, "A woman's only a woman, but a Ford's a truck." Or something like that. This is a silver Silverado, i.e. the enemy. The steering is mushy, but the upholstery is cushy. Acceleration's not my style, but it's got just 3000 miles. No four on the floor, but it's a four-door four-by-four. Still, it may be a briefer affair than planned, because it's got commercial plates, which, according to NYC regs, I either can or can't park in this neighborhood with or without lettering. The precinct, the traffic cops, the 311 number and the website all seem to disagree. I have big signs in the thing and hope to make it til Thursday. But then I may have to trade her in on a newer model.


  1. I feel a Grateful Dead song coming on.

  2. Where did this new truck come from? Is it yours or is it borrowed?

  3. You're a poet
    And I think you know it

    That's a mighty pretty truck. May it park in peace.

    PIP silver Silverado.

  4. well glad to see you made it home safe and sound and in style... nice ride ....looks perfect to me...grey and rainy here today...lots of time for cleaning and painting closets...good luck with the truck!

  5. c "silver007" baJuly 21, 2009 10:51 PM

    I think you are going from one truck to another. Better think about settling down.

    I approve, however, of your current choice. May not have the panache of the Range Rover as a mate, but hey..how does that saying go? "You Can Take the Truck Out of the Country, but You Can't Take the Girl Out of the Truck." Or something like that.

    Bring that handsome vehicle down here, Babe. I got an '04 extended cab that would like to meet it.
