
one reason why it's so hard to park

Sorry, I'd write more. But I have to go re-park the truck. I'll be back in a couple of hours.


  1. Aack! I moved the truck, then found out alternate side of the street parking was suspended for Immaculate Conception and Idul Adha, which I can only assume, from their nonensical sounds, are religious holidays. Why is alternate side of the street parking suspended for religions? So people can go to church/temple/mosque and not lose their spaces? How about an alternate side of the street suspension for Groundhog Day or Everybody's Birthday or International Scrambled Eggs Day?
    Grr. It's very hard to find parking on a Suspended Day, but I was lucky. Thank you Ganesh. How come we don't celebrate Elephant God's Parking Day?

  2. http://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/html/motorist/scrintro.shtml

  3. Forgot to mention that at the link in message above, which has this year's alternate parking calenday,next year's is there too, ready for you to print out and tape to the fridge.

  4. What would you do without DADA ?
