
so bro

On February 7, 2005, I wrote the following blog entry:

Dolores's dreams cloud the apartment. This morning they flung her off the bed to the floor. Yesterday we went adventuring in the South Bronx, exploring the Next Big Thing in NYC real estate. Nothing looked that up and coming to me but the prices.

That was two years ago. Tonight I am going up to the South Bronx to visit Dolores and La Otra Rubia, both of whom now own apartments in the same building. They are there partly because when I walked into the place Dolores now owns I said, "But look at the view!" In such serendipitous moments, everything can change. Gives you pause, doesn't it?


  1. It is as I fear, that Lady has become the very demons who peruse her mercilessly.

    As wolves live in packs in dens of forest primevil, now these Wolf-hearted females live in same buildings, admiring views and running in packs on all fours.

    Li has read that custom-made titanium bullets can stop these werewulves.

    Oh, Lady. Is it down to Li to end your suffering, and own life as well?

    Is like myth of Romeo and Remus, two Korean orphans who slay themselves for love. Addio, fiorito asil!

  2. I'm, like, not even starting.

    How did he get like this?

    That's Romulus and Remus, Uncle Dude. Romulus was a clever rabbit who tricked Remus into the briar patch. As the Tina would say..."What's Love Got to Do With It?".

  3. Gracias a Claudia La Poderosa!

  4. Stay Tuned: Escina de Claudia Glenn Dowling
