
ony 8 years til the oldest can drive

Received the following from Sis, who has two daughters in the burbs.

Okay, so now the youngest has taken up tap dancing. That makes:
1. Tap Dancing Tuesday
2. Piano Lessons Tuesday
3. Hip Hop Dancing Wednesday
4. Judo Saturday
5. Swimming Lessons Saturday

Hey! There's lots more room! We can still fill Monday, Thursday and Friday with two more activities each, then go on to fill in the slot on Wednesday with another thing! Think of all the lessons we can have! And I haven't even counted Sunday and gosh, maybe we can make it three activities a day instead of two.

Or, we could try fitting in dentists, doctors, homework, book reports, shoe shopping, and other things in between. And to think that being the mother of two or more children is NOT a prerequisite to becoming an Admin Assistant. It sure ought to be. At least they're not into team sports. . .

The way I figure it, today is tap dancing day. At least. Given Sis's day and CBA's day yesterday, I figure, with only a dentists appointment in a half hour, I'm on vacation.

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