
ridge party

Things I didn't know: You are meant to throw a party when the ridge beam goes up. I knew you were supposed to nail a branch up there (for obscure and likely pagan reasons), but i only just found out about the party. You mean, after spending $150,000 or so to have a frame put up, you are expected to throw a party? Before the thing gets roofed, plumbed, electrified, septicked, shingled and finished? When the money is running out and your nights are sleepless with schedules?
Frickin Druids.


  1. I was standing in what is now Julia's room about 17 years (is that POSSIBLE) ago when I looked out the window and saw Dada hanging over the ridge beam of your house with a branch in one hand and a hammer in the other. I thought it was odd and said so to Uncle John. Uncle John stood in reverence, like he was watching a rare and important moment...which it is. If I were you, I would go find a branch and forget the party.

  2. Pagan money making rituals in secret, YES!
